One of the hallmarks of Need in Deed’s My Voice process is that we invite experts to our classrooms to help students understand the social issues they have identified. These community partners affirm students’ concerns about their communities and demonstrate through example how their lives and work can be dedicated to making a positive change in the world.
Over the past few weeks, several of our expert visitors have been impressive women in science. Specifically, they spoke to students whose projects center on Covid-19, water pollution, and climate change.
Since we celebrate Women’s History Month all year long, we thought it appropriate to highlight the following trailblazers who shared their knowledge with our students.
Dottie Baumgarten– Philadelphia Water Department Educator
Cate Desjardins- MPH in Epidemiology- Pastor at Germantown Mennonite Church and Executive Director of Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship
Gabrielle Delima– Doctoral Candidate, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Program, Lowen Laboratory, Emory University
Megan W. Harvey– PhD- Assistant Professor of Health Science at Springfield College School of Health and Sciences
Roma Maraj-Owen– Environment Health Safety Manager at the Wistar Institute
We are so grateful to these scientists for their professional contributions and for their willingness to speak with our curious students.