Need in Deed teachers believe in students’ potential and the importance of student voice and curriculum that is connected to the real world. They are part of a vibrant network of educators who are integrating service-learning into their classroom practice as an effective way to help students learn while meeting state and local standards.
We provide all new members with an extensive, no-cost, two-year process of training, coaching, and support, and all Teacher Network members have access to ongoing professional development.
Need in Deed staff works closely with each active teacher in the network. We support each classroom, matching resources and community partners to each class and project.
Hear from TEACHERS’ about why they choose Need in Deed
When I go to the monthly network meetings and I sit down at the end of my ridiculously crazy day, I take a breath and I look around and I say, “Yes, this is why I teach.” These are the people that share my values, and we are all going back to our classrooms and touching our 30, or 90, or 180 kids in a deeper way. This is what’s going to keep American public education anchored firmly in the tradition of democracy in public schools. It’s that deep in my mind. – Need in Deed Network Teacher
Additional benefits;
Applications are accepted from February through May.
After this initial period, active members of the Teacher Network continue to participate in formal learning and support activities, building on the knowledge gained through implementing My Voice in the classroom.
Need in Deed staff and members of the Teacher Network regularly share their insights and expertise with local and national audiences of educators. Most recently, we have offered workshops, professional development, and presentations for such organizations as
Providing my students with exposure and experience of service learning has helped them make academic connections and encouraged them to use “their voice” to advocate for change within our communities. Need In Deed’s “My Voice” benefits all of my students and has increased their critical thinking skills immensely. – Need in Deed Network Teacher