Mission & Vision

We believe in the power of connecting the classroom with the community.

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Educational Leadership

Need in Deed staff members are seasoned, experienced experts in the field of education.

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Our Story

In Need in Deed classrooms students define a community issue around which they then become advocates and take action. The issue and the sequence of the students’ activities over the year becomes a lens through which the students experience the school curriculum and state learning standards. Need in Deed provides our already outstanding Philadelphia school teachers with the support needed to integrate this unique form of service-learning into the classroom, including a framework, ongoing mentoring, connection to community partners, and professional development.

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As a result of joining the Teacher Network I feel excited and motivated and challenged when students get off the traditional school topics and talk about their personal lives. In that past mentioning that I allow those "distractions" made me feel unprofessional. I see now the value there, the value in helping students create real connections, connections that matter to them.

Year 3+ Need in Deed Teacher