Mission & Vision

Need in Deed transforms teaching and learning in Philadelphia’s public school classrooms grades 3-8. Our unique approach starts with individual educators, invites students to advocate for change, and connects the classroom with the community.

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Educational Leadership

Need in Deed staff members are seasoned, experienced experts in the field of education.

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Our Story

Our unique approach provides a framework, support and professional development at no cost for School District of Philadelphia educators in grades 3-8 to engage their students in a yearlong process of determining a meaningful social issue, learning about it with the help of expert community members, and enacting social change. The issue the students define and the process for getting there becomes the focal point of the curriculum for the school year. The classroom teachers we partner with use the students’ issue to give context and content for teaching the state and federal standards, making the concepts and skills come alive with meaning.

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Working with Need in Deed has made me realize that all students are affected by social issues, regardless of race, age or social economic status.

Year 2 Need in Deed Teacher