Need in Deed transforms teaching and learning.

Present in more than 100 classrooms across the city and serving 3,000 students in up to 60 schools annually, Need in Deed partners with committed educators who want their students to experience learning that has meaning and purpose. Through a process that starts in September and culminates in June, students in our classrooms experience learning as connected to the world around them and themselves as effective actors in the world.
  • Classroom teachers in the School District of Philadelphia voluntarily elect to affiliate with Need in Deed.
  • Representatives of the city’s vast network of public agencies, nonprofit organizations, higher education and health institutions, and community members impacted by issues voluntarily serve as classroom resources.
Measuring our impact
We follow best practice by contracting with an external evaluator, a specialist in public health and youth development, to conduct ongoing multiple qualitative and quantitative assessments.

Hear firsthand in this short clip from a former Need in Deed teacher about the impact of our work in her classroom:

Angel Brice

Teacher Partners

Need in Deed teachers believe in students’ potential and the importance of student voice. They are part of a vibrant network of educators who are transforming their classroom practice.

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Community Partners

Need in Deed’s community partners bring the “real world” into the classroom. Every year, across the city, individuals from local government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and higher education and health institutions step into Need in Deed classrooms.

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Student Projects

Every year, students in Need in Deed classrooms tell us what community issues they care about and why. Whatever issue they choose, we support them in researching, designing and implementing a project that will help make a difference in their community. With their teacher as a guide, and in collaboration with community partners, their issue and project becomes a lens for learning. This gives context for key concepts and skills in math, reading, writing, science, and social studies, as well as social and emotional skills.


Our workshops, trainings, consultations, and technical support are highly interactive and tailored to each setting and need.

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Not only did this project have an impact on my students, it also taught me how I can integrate service learning with curriculum and what a powerful effect it can have in the classroom.

Year 1 Need in Deed Teacher